Jumpin' Great Time

11/03/2023 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM ET


This is a program for littles, ages 4-16. If you have any questions about age ranges, and your child is older, please reach out to info@sunmoonandstars.org

Sun, Moon & Stars is excited to continue partnering with the ASRC (Autism Services and Resources Connecticut) and Extreme Air Trampoline Park to offer a fun filled evening.

Registration is for jumpers only ... $10.00 each (siblings included). Adults - no charge

Extreme Air will be closed to the general public at this time. The is event is exclusive to SMS and ASRC families. We will be providing lite snacks and drinks.


You are expected to keep eyes on your child.
Pre-Fill out the Liability Waiver Form online uf you have not already done so at prior events.

Liability Form: (https://extremeairfunusa.com/sign-waiver/ Group ID# 179876


Arrival is at 6:00 for check in and each child will receive jump socks.


You will be directed to the main party room area to settle in.
Jumping time is approximately one hour: 6:15 to 7:15. With time prior and post jumping to settle in or settle down with a snack.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions


"Sun, Moon & Stars organizes community events and collaborates with local establishments to provide its member-families with a judgment-free and supportive environment. Sun, Moon & Stars does not provide therapeutic services or behavioral support at any such event. Each of our children has unique abilities and/or limitations and it is therefore critical that you are prepared to accommodate your child’s individual needs during a Sun, Moon & Stars activity or outing. We welcome you to invite additional family members or your behavioral therapist to accompany and assist you with making you and your child’s experience at a Sun, Moon & Stars event successful. Our goal is to provide a safe and comfortable atmosphere for all."