Sun, Moon & Stars is excited to partner with the Hospital for Special Care.
The Autism Center at the HFSC is a specialized interdisciplinary program for children and adolescents experiencing symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). They work closely with your family to diagnose, assess and treat your child’s behavioral, medical and communication needs. As a family-based program, they help you understand and better fit into the world that your child is living in to create stronger bonds within your family.
Center for Autism and Related Disorders | Hospital for Special Care (
Meghan Gallagher, MBA, CCC-SLP, is their Autism Practice Operations Manager. She will be discussing In-Patient Care, Out-Patient Services and the Partial Hospital Program at the HFSC. There will be time to answer ALL of your autism related questions.
Webinar Link is below:
Meeting ID: 882 5695 0647
Passcode: 511349
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